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Ribot, Jesse and Nancy Lee Peluso. 2023. "Une théorie de l’accès," Revue Française de Socio-Économie 1(30): 189-218. [See Ribot and Peluso 2003 for English Version.]


Cottier, Fabien, Marie-Laurence Flahaux, Jesse Ribot, Richard Seager, Godfreyb Ssekajja. 2022. “Re-framing the Frame: Cause and Effect in Climate-related Migration,” World Development. Published Online 6 July 2022.


Ece, Melis, James Murombedzi, Jesse Ribot. 2022. “Disempowering Democracy: Local Representation in Community and Carbon Forestry in Africa.” Ch. 24, pp. 397-416 in Janette Bulkan, John Palmer, Anne M. Larson and Mary Hobley (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Community Forestry. London: Earthscan from Routledge.





Ribot, Jesse. 2022. "Violent Silence: Framing out Social Causes of Climate-related Crises," Journal of Peasant Studies. Vol. 49, No. 4, Pp. 683-712.


Turner, Matthew, Jesse Ribot and Oumarou Moumouni. 2022. “Suffering for dignity and hope: Young Nigeriens choose perilous Trans-Saharan migration” Journal of Peasant Studies. Accepted August 2022. Published online 18 October 2022.


Kashwan, Prakash and Jesse Ribot. 2021. “Violent Silence: Erasing History and Justice in Global Climate Negotiations & Action.” Current History. November Issue: 326-331.


Lahsen, Myanna and Jesse Ribot. 2021. “Politics of Attributing Extreme Events and Disasters to Climate Change.” WIREs Climate Change. Available at:



Milgroom, Jessica and Jesse Ribot. 2019. “Children of another land: social disarticulation, access to natural resources and the reconfiguration of authority in post resettlement,” Conservation and Society. Vol 33(3). Online Version.


Peluso, Nancy Lee and Jesse Ribot. 2019. Postscript for Special Issue on “A Theory of Access,” Society & Natural Resources, Vol. 33, No. 3.


Peluso, Nancy and Jesse Ribot. 2020. Postscript for Special Issue on “A Theory of Access,” Society & Natural Resources, Vol. 33, No. 2. Pp. 300-306.



Ribot, Jesse, Papa Faye and Matthew Turner. 2020. “Climate of Anxiety in the Sahel: Emigration in Xenophobic Times,” Public Culture. 32(1):45-75.



Ribot, Jesse. 2019. “Social Causality of our Common Climate Crisis: Toward a Sociodicy for the Anthropocene,” Ch. 2, pp. 35-53 in Tobias Haller, Thomas Breu, Tine De Moor, Christian Rohr and Heinzpeter Znoj (eds.) The Commons in a Glocal World: Global Connections and Local Responses. London: Routledge.



Lund, Jens Friis, Rebecca Rutt and Jesse Ribot. 2018. “Trends in research on forestry decentralization policies,” Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. Vol. 32, pp. 17-22


Ribot, Jesse. 2018. “Ontologies of Occlusion in the Anthropocene.” This is a response to: Bauer, A. M. and Ellis, E. C. 2018. "The Anthropocene divide: obscuring understanding of social-environmental change." Current Anthropology 59(2). Go to the link for this article and scroll down to read my 'response'

2017 -- posted online by me

Ribot, Jesse. 2017. The Business of Sustainable Development, An African Forest Tale (an Ode to the Lorax). Publication in search of publisher.



Ece, Melis, James Murombedzi and Jesse Ribot (eds.). 2017. “Disempowering Democracy: Local Representation in Community and Carbon Forestry in Africa,” Conservation and Society. 15(4): 357-370. Special Issue on Rights, Representation and REDD+. This is a collection of seven articles from seven researchers in the five-year thirteen-country thirty-five case study comparative research program the Responsive Forest Governance Initiative (RFGI). More details under RESEARCH/RFGI tabs.


Faye, Papa and Jesse Ribot. 2017. “Causes for Adaptation: Access to Forests, Markets and Representation in Eastern Senegal” Sustainability. Vol. 9, No. 311. Pp. 20.


Faye, Papa, Tobias Haller and Jesse Ribot. 2017. “Shaping Rules and Practice for More Justice. Local Conventions and Local Resistance in Eastern Senegal” Human Ecology. Online publication 25 July.


Ramprasad, Vijay, Jesse Ribot and Ashwini Chhatre. 2017. Pertinent Issue, Flawed Methods. 9 December 2017 vol. LII no. 49 Economic & Political Weekly.


Ribot, Jesse. 2017. ‘Choose Democracy: Guidance for Democratizing through Natural Resource Management Interventions,’ a Responsive Forest Governance Initiative (RFGI) policy brief of the Swedish International Center for Local Democracy (ICLD) with CODESRIA, IUCN and University of Illinois [Also available in French 2018 as ‘Choisir la démocratie : la gestion des ressources naturelles pour les décideurs, bailleurs de fonds, et agents de terrain’].



Ribot, Jesse. 2017. The Business of Sustainable Development, An African Forest Tale (an Ode to the Lorax). Book in search of publisher.



Ribot, Jesse. 2017. “Vulnerability does not Fall from the Sky: Addressing a Risk Conundrum,” in R. Kasperson, K. Dow, and N. Pidgeon (eds.), Risk Conundrums: Solving Unsolvable Problems. London: Earthscan.


Ribot, Jesse. 1997. ‘An Ode to the Lorax: The Business of Sustainable Development, An African Forest Tale’, Africa Today, Vol. 44, No. 2. Reprinted in Lokayan Bulletin (New Delhi), Vol. 13, No. 3, 1997. Reprinted in Medicine and Global Survival, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1998



Ribot, Jesse. 2017. “Causa y responsabilidad: vulnerabilidad y clima en el Antropoceno” Acta Sociológica. No. 73, pp. 13-81. Spanish translation of Ribot 2014.

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